The Compliance Organization
In 2010 Carl Friederichs set up a compliance management system. The previous regulations have been combined in an integrated compliance system. The aim was to meet requirements in the international competition, in particular in cooperation with the chassis suppliers such as Daimler AG or Volkswagen AG. The standardised code of conduct has been incorporated into our compliance policy and is accessible to all employees via the intranet at any time. In order to secure and impart latest compliance standards in-house training takes place on a regular basis held by external specialists. In January 2017 an ombudsman was introduced as latest module of our compliance management system for the time being.
Unser Unternehmen, die Carl Friederichs GmbH, sieht neben seinen wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten den Schutz der Umwelt als wichtige Handlungsprämisse.
Aus diesem Grund haben wir bereits im Jahr 2018 an der Standortinitiative „Nachhaltiges Gewerbegebiet Fechenheim“ teilgenommen. Im Jahr 2023 haben wir die Auszeichnung zum „Öko-Profit“ Betrieb erhalten und seit Februar 2024 haben wir erfolgreich die DIN ISO 14001 Zertifizierung für das bei uns vorhandene Umweltmanagementsystem erhalten.
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) beschreibt die Grundprinzipien nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens. Die Teilhaber unseres Unternehmens (z. B. Heinz und Gisela Friederichs Stiftung, Beschäftigte, Banken, Kunden, Nachbarschaft) haben Erwartungen an die ESG-Performance unseres Unternehmens.
Die ESG-Performance beeinflusst deshalb direkt den Finanzrahmen und -spielraum unseres Unternehmens, genauso wie die Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber. Ziel unseres Unternehmens ist die ESG-Leistung messbar zu machen und basierend hierauf eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung zu erreichen.
Our Ombudsman
Due to the update of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), there are two mandatory reporting channels (internal and external). An ombudsman system has been implemented for the internal reporting channel of our organisation. The external reporting channel is set up at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ). Furthermore, whistleblower systems are set up for special areas of responsibility at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the Federal Cartel Office (BKartA).
The ombudsman established for the internal reporting channel acts as the central reporting point for irregular business practices. He is the contact person for internal and external whistleblowers and those seeking advice, who can also contact him anonymously. He treats the facts brought to his attention confidentially. The ombudsman is neither entitled nor obliged to inform Carl Friederichs GmbH of the identity of the whistleblower resp. the person in search of advice or of the facts disclosed without the explicit consent of the whistleblower. In addition, the lawyer's duty of confidentiality protects the whistleblower. With this ombudsman system and the associated optional anonymity, Carl Friederichs GmbH far exceeds the minimum standard required by law. For the purpose of protected communication channels for employees, lawyer Dr. Dr. Jens Müller as external ombudsman was appointed by Carl Friederichs GmbH as of 01.01.2017.
The contact details of our ombudsman are as follows:
Dr. Dr. Jens Müller
Lawyer and specialist solicitor for criminal law
Winkeler Straße 76 65366 Geisenheim
Phone +49 6722 9949948
Fax +49 6722 9949947
Mobile +49 152 29453981
Die Kontaktdaten der externen Meldestellen lauten wie folgt:
Bundesamt für Justiz (BfJ)
Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Meldestelle: Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
Bundeskartellamt (BKartA)
Contact person
Special Vehicles
Henrik Schepler / Managing Director
Sales special vehicles / Export
Phone +49 69 94 1004 03
Reparatur und Lack
Stephan Berger / Geschäftsführer
Telefon +49 69 94 1004 1
Christian Tuscher / Authorized Officer
Leiter Finanzen und Controlling
Phone +49 69 94100434
Anja Sebeikat
Telefon +49 69 94100406