since 1840!
SEIT 1840!
News about Carl Friederichs GmbH
We are pleased to announce that we have now given the go-ahead for our DIN EN ISO 27001 certification.
Every day we work with the awareness that (personal) data and other information must be processed and secured with the utmost care.
In order to ensure confidentiality, correctness and availability of data during our work in a qualified manner, we have now initiated certification according to ISO 27001 by BSI Group with the support...
FRIEDERICHS also soon certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001
The pressure to act on environmental protection and sustainability has never been as great as it is today. The ongoing global warming leaves us no time. Everyone is called upon to make their contribution to environmental protection.
Our company would also like to take over our part of responsibility.
Since June 2019, we have been awarded as ÖKOPROFIT company of the city of Frankfurt am...
NUFAM 2021
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein uns auf dem ZKF-Gemeinschaftsstand in Halle 2, Stand C 219 der diesjährige NUFAM in Karlsruhe zu besuchen. Dort stellen wir unseren neuen INTENSIV-KRANKENWAGEN in Export-Version auf Basis des aktuellen Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vor. Auf persönliche Besuche und Gespräche mit Ihnen freuen wir jetzt schon sehr!
Wie die Zeit vergeht… seit 10 Jahren sind wir Händler